Whackness Galore!

Hey ya lovely blogistanis... Yeap, I've finally decided to post... mainly cuz people have been pressuring me and I found the perfect way to get them off my back (for now). I'm going to put up an email I just wrote to a friend.. well not the whole thing.. but enough to let you know why I'm up at this time of the nite/morning. Oh and before I forget, I'd like to say a thousand thank yous to everyone's favourite blogistani baji for doing that guest audioblogger post for me. And believe me, if you didnt laff after listenning to it, you should be shot! Anyways, on with the email.....

"Hey yaar...
How you been...long time no see... or hear... or chat.. u know what i mean.. juss been busy... well not for the past week really.. been bored outta my head, feeling a bit lonely too... parents and bhai all in pakistan you see.. i've been sittin here like an a** on my backside and quite frankly its beginning to hurt a little now.

Anyways, the reason i'm mailing you, is to tell you that it's 4:49 in the morning, I'm tired as hell, havent slept all nite ofcourse and have been up for the past 22 hours anyway. I've got work in the mornin and I'm debating whether sleeping for 2 hours is worth it or not. And what's the reason that I'm up at this ungodly hour?? Well its to keep this stupid little promise I made to a friend that I'd keep before I went to Pakistan. I had promised this friend of mine that i'd watch a flippin movie. Which one you ask!!?? (a double whammy interrobang for you lovely people) It's none other than Kal Ho Na Ho,my first indian movie in the last 3 years. I was told to watch it because apparently I dont know what love is and need to learn. So yes for the past god knows how many centuries, I've been sitting in front of my computer watching this vertiable wierd-fest of love, angst, passion, sacrifice and horrifically colorful dance numbers which quite frankly have my head spinning like a flying saucer right now (Will Smith save me!). But a promise is a promise and I had intended to keep mine even though the consequences are an aching headache, bloodshot eyes and a back so stiff its used as a second diving board at the local community swimming pool on weekends. "

Anyways, I'm off for Fajr... Y'all take care...


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