Hole Hearted

Right, due to lack of vigor/force/liveliness/get-up-and-go (read i'm feeling lazy), this will not be a for-real post but a shout-out masquerading as a post.

Abez: Errrmmm... the email's been lost in transit... still searching for it. In the meantime give the little one a cuddle from me
Yasminay: See above.... kiddin.. naah i think your email was in the same truck as Abez's.. thats why they aint there yet! (Mental picture: a lonely email in a truck somewhere in a dark forrest slowly making its way towards its destination. The silence broken as the email fearfully turns around to the email next to it and goes "are we there yet?")
Unaiza nasim: Errmm.. thank you very much.. nice blog u got going btw.
Baji: 8 hours in October...could be the name of a book couldnt it... and the movie version would be called "8 hours in London trying to get Binje to come out and take me for a meal".. dont think the producers thought the name through properly... but oh well.. Baji.. you're more than welcome to a treat... come down and we shall find whatever it is that thou preferest... (ofcourse topped off with either Sheesha or baskin robbins... or both)
Hemlock: Last time I bumped into you young lady you were in a rush to go sleep or something silly like that... waste of time i tell ya... but yeah... next time I bump into you, I'll tell you a bit more... and you saying you're fired just reminded me of the T.V. show the apprentice cuz its on the beeb these days... decent reality TV for a change...

And a big howdy-doo to Mohammad Zohaib who is a month and a few days old today. He's my cousin's son who I saw for the first time this past week and who is adorable. But anyhoo, the bed beckons... and I must answer its call.... would be rude not to... laterz pataterz


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