We are the champions!

So last week Friday I ended up going to my cousin/distant relative/friend's graduation ceremony. He had just finished his masters degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences or something (smart guy huh?). Now being the lazy spoil sport of a bum that I am, I was not too keen on going. To give you an idea, I actually almost didnt go to my own Bachelors graduation ceremony and actually didnt go to my Masters Grad ceremony.

So anyways, seeing as I would have to take a day off work (the ceremony was in the morning) I wasnt really interested but thought the guy's asked me, and paid for the stupid guest ticket (which is another topic for another day... could go on forever about that). So I did go... and like the good desi guy that I am turned up 20 min late! Hey it actually wasnt my fault as the satnav was trying to take me away from where instinct was telling me the place should be. But anyways, sat through an hour or so of names walking past the dean shaking hands and walking on. After that was all done, things started shaping up. They had a speech from one of the students, then a couple of faculty guys said a few words. In the end they were presenting a doctorate to a guy who was one of the best in the world in the field of Geo something or the other. Now this guy was no ordinary doctorate student, he tried to make a version of what is Google Street Map over 15 years ago... His excuse for not making it was that the technology wasnt there to do what he wanted (yeah that old chestnut!). But this guy was actually head hunted by Google to get in on the Google Maps thing. Young guy as well, he made an amazing speech... very inspirational... and ofcourse in the end they had this Soprano (no not from the TV series) come out and do this little song which midway through became 'we are the champions'.

I have to admit, seeing that I was inspired to go out and get on with life and look at the brighter side as opposed to my normally pessimistic view. I mean I was always a bore but where along the line I became a recluse I have no idea. I've stopped replying to emails always thinking I will come back to it and never do. My Facebook fad was over ages ago. I dont call or text people. My whole life (as a large portion of it should) revolves around family. But I have forgotten that there are others out there I should be connecting with. Long lost friends, good friends... people... I realize I'm probably making myself sound like an extreme bore... I'm not that bad really.

And the other thing I realized was, I really did miss out on an experience with the Masters ceremony... if nothing else... new opportunities could've opened up. But then again, whats life if you dont regret the decisions you make eh? I know I've made tons... But then again, would I be the person I am... oh wait.. I'm getting way too philosophical for this time of the night. And I gotta be up for work in the morning... so i'm gonna leave this post half empty... or half full depends on you the one who's reading... not that anyone will read this..

One can always hope for a better day!


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