It's 1AM again!

Interesting point DaYaz pointed out the other day that i only post at like 1am... (or close to it).. hmm..seems its the only time i get on to the pc to mes around... anyways.. oh yeah.. before i forget (yet one more time) please go back and look at the comments for the post on April 18...Reason i say that is cuz i put something down which came out hugely wrong and I juss wanted to straighten things out...

I juss finished scannin' pictures of my bro's convocation (which incidentally was held in january i think) cuz my cousins in Pakistan had been dyin' to see 'em. First time i saw my pics with short hair and i have to admit i didnt know i looked this way, even though i see my ugly mug in the mirror everyday, but i looked soo different in the pics i couldnt believe it. Hmmm.. But now i'm seriously considering lettin' my hair grow back.. liked it better that way.

Oh was talkin' to this guy about marriage today... well actually he brought it up.. and here's how the conversations went from there

Him: when you gettin' married...
Me no time soon..
Him why not..
Me I aint ready, from the looks of it probably wont be for another 10 years and am in no rush...
Him If you find the right person you're ideas will change... you'll wanna get married then and there
Me I aint looki'n so i wont find no one.. and even if something like that did come up.. i am not ready for it and its not something high on my priority list right now
Him But man it's Sunnah.. how can you not wanna marry... (then he went on about how I should contribute to the growth of the Ummah)
Me Dude... You and i both probably dont even fulfill the Faraidh properly.. why should we be thinking about Sunnahs??
Him Everything comes together in time...

Grrrrr... Why do people do that... I mean thass the reason the Ummah is in such a state.. people (like me) who cant concentrate on the Faraidh and juss make up excuses to do the stuff they wanna do... When will we learn... I mean seriously i look at converts who have grown up in (mostly) non-Muslim societies and their Iman is sooo much stronger than mine. Why?? I am a born Muslim.. raised in a Muslim household (to practicing parents Alhamdulillah) in a Muslim country till i was old enough to know my responsibilities.. and yet i'm still lacking... May Allah guide me and all those like me to become better Muslims and may he ease the pain and suffering of all our brothers and sisters around the world.


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