
Yup. today's post is all about plugs... So in Alphabetical order:

ChocoShereen Why you always call me a crackie... Yaz is the supplier.. u should go after her! Oh send me a self addresses stamped envelope and u get a Mars bar for postin' first :)
Saharooo Whachu mean that aint like me.. thass totally me... did that post make sense?? no! well thass why.. cuz it was me... u tell me wat me posts are like :)
Arshe ji Yay for old guyz with frizzy white hair ! (Einstein not me!) :)
Dr. Evil If you own starbux how come i still pay for my lattes???
Bushrafied No no.. u cant not come to my blog anymore... I mean there's only a few people who actually make sense who come to my blog... ok.. a lot.... ok.. i'm the only looney aruond.. But dont boycott me please! *innocent smile*
Grouchy I'm still tryin to figure out the deal with postin on ur blog... but yeah i soo agree art is over-rated crap and nothing more these days!
Amina Thanks for the kind words sis... not many people like my weirdo sense of humour! :)
Reeses Springfield?? I live there :) Best of luck with the Library insha'Allah.. lemme know if u need a speed demon to drive the van! :)

To those who i didnt plug.. juss be a socket and i'll plug.. errr.. lame... *pulls hair* why do i keep doing that.. *bangs head on wall* arggh.. will the lameness never end??? WHY ME GAWD??? *faints*


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