Freebies n me! :)

Assalaam Alaikum. Apologies to the people who put up with my ramblings (even though i'm very sporadic these days). I've been just a bit busy with stuff, actually too much hapennin' these days, me juss tryin' to drag myself along with the pace. Anyways, on to my usual nothingness.

Actually its more to do with how I somehow get freebies every now and then which come from the most random of places. Case in point, yesterday mom was too tired and my brain was racked so cuoldnt be bothered to cook nothing, so i volunteered to get fried chicken and stuff for dinner, Mom goes fine... So i get to teh place and its damn packed. Anyways... get in line.. wait 10 min for a chance to order. Then this weirdo oldish woman comes and stands next to me in line and begins to lean on me.. I'm juss move up a bit and the weirdo moves closer and leans again.. I'm like whass her prob.. move over again (i'm a very un-standoffish person) and yep.. u guessed it.. Miss oldy decides she has to lean on me again.. I move back a bit and go 'excuse me but i do need space to breathe u know'... Oldy goes oh sorry luv... it was juss a bit cozy there.. I was like whatever.. move down will ya. the guy behind the counter had been watchin' and since he sorta knows me, he skips a person and asks me for my order, to which i duly reply and move outta the line to sit on the side.

The place (Chicken cottage to the people who live here) recently started doing milkshakes and the banana shake was juss sittin their in the milkshake machine thingy calling out to me... "take me, drink me.. u dont wanna miss me!" So anyways i decided while i'm waiting i might have one. Sat there for another 5-10 min sippin away. Then when my order comes the weirdo woman gets up and goes to get my order. Behind-the-counter dude goes this aint ur order, at which the woman goes i'm going home and tries to get the bags again.. By this point I'm thinkin' she has to be drunk or stoned or all of the above, hold my breath and walk to the counter. The counter dude pulls the bags to the side cuz he seez i'm holdin' my breath (hate those smells of drink or drugs). I say how much and he quotes the price for the meals and i go i've got the shake too. He juss smiles and goes no probs man. I say Jazaka'Allah to counter-dude and leave. Moral of story.. I fuond a new best friend :) kiddin....

There's also this doner place near my house where i ocassionally go to. (Yes this is related to freebies again). I'm gonna make a freedom fries lover extremely jealous here!. They're turkish and whenever I go there i juss start babbling with 'em in turkish. Very very nice guys, (and they like it when a non-turkish dude fires off turkish with 'em). Nearly every time i go, i get some freebie or the other. Usually its either a drink or more commonly FRIES! :) yup yup.. fries for free.. tell me it gets any better than that. All i can say is Masha'Allah there are people out there who are nice juss for the sake of niceness. I doubt it's to keep me comin back cuz i dont eat out very regular... A smile and decent conversation does still go a long way and i'm a true believer in that. And i dont say that juss cuz of the freebies..

There still are good people out there... And all i can say is Alhamdulillah to that :)


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