Ozzy's turn to blog

Assalaam Alaikum all. Today ladies and gents.. i'll be letting Ozzy blog after a long time.. thing is normally when he opens his mouth i get into trouble so i try to keep him locked up most of the time.. (to those who dont know ozzy, he's my ummm evil side)

Me and my elder bro went to watch the matrix reloaded today... nopes.. we couldnt.. the next 3 shows were booked.. and quite frankly we werent in the mood to start watchin a 2 hour movie at 11:30 at nite so we ended up watchin' X-men2. Hmmm.. nice.. decent effects... But a movie only worth watching once. For anyone who's seen the first one, they'll know Wolverine has a pretty short temper and once he gets a bit frazzled he turns into a regular Kenwood Multiprupose Slicer and Dicer... Anyways we're going the other way.. back to my story... Once we finished the movie.. me and bhai stepped out and the first thing he said was... That was you 10 years ago... (No i didnt have sideburns covering half my face!) he meant the anger bit... Which is true... say around 10 years ago Usman was less in control. I was like totally the dude. I had it all right.. anything didnt go my way, well it wasnt pretty lets juss say that. So much so that I wouldnt look at the size, age or strength of the next person, I'd juss start doing my thing. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately, depends how u look at it) there was always someone there sane enuff to get my hyde outta it before i got whoooped. (Jazaka'Allah to them all)

But somehow, that spineless jello has taken over now and no matter what happens, I havent been able to get out and do my thing. I kid you not people, i cant remember the last time i actually really blew up at someone or let my anger loose. It's all cuz of that jelly baby Usman. I dont know whats wrong with him. He's juss cramping my style.

Usman back in the commenting seat

Well people, as you can see, Alhamdulillah I have been able to control my anger to a great level Alhamdulillah. Now even when i do get angry i juss bury it deep inside (some people say it's not good to keep it insde and we should let it all out, but think.. how will the person u blow up on feel?). My anger was at rediculous levels before... Dont get me wrong, i knew the line between respect and disrespect and even in fits, i never crossed that (well almost never). Not something I'm proud of but believe me, when you do blow up, then you realize how wrong you were (even though you may have been 'right'). All i'm saying is, if you do have a lot of anger inside, learn to control it before you do something you regret.

By the way, props to Abez (yep the ruler of Abezistan) for partially giving me the idea for this post. She recently posted something similar on her blog which i recommend everyone read. Ofcourse the major part of it goes to my bro who gave Ozzy the chance to take a trip down memory lane. But like i say, Alhamdulillah, Ozzy's locked now and will remain so for a long time to come Insha'Allah.


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