Today after Taraweeh, the Imam was giving a talk on Akhira and how we should all prepare for it. He mentioned things we can do to have a better life in Jannah (Paradise) and also things which we should avoid so we can avoid Jahannam (Hell). He touched on the topic of women and how women will be one of the main causes of men going to Jahannam. He was going on about how women make men do things even when they may be unlawful and how women tend to manipulate men. He then adressed the women in the mosque and said I am not saying this about you mothers and sisters. At this point one of the regulars in the Masjid goes, "darr gaye kya??" ("Are you scared now??") at which there was laughter all around including the Imam. And this goes on all the time, there is a very light hearted atmosphere in the Masjid and i'm sure its the same anywhere. So those of you who avoid Masjids cuz they think they're run by fanatics, go in and have a look, you mite find something totally different.


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