Davy Jones, giant squid

So recently I came across a post on HUKD talking about archive.org which had tons of old retro games on it. To avoid forgetting the link, I sent it to a few colleagues (hey thats the lazy person's way of saving stuff). And then ofcourse when I finally found some time (read : was procrastinating) I decided I would have a look at said website. Instead of going to the games archive (I must message someone about that on Whatsapp to serve as both a reminder and a saved URL.. who needs bookmarks) the eye catching banner I was hit by was "archive of over 347 billion web pages" (or something along those lines). So I clicked on to it and it immediately hit me (I'm not hurt, thanks for your concern) wondering if my blog that I started 16-17 years ago would be on it. Lo and behold (or dont behold, it's not a dictatorship), the blog was there in its format as it was when I first started, background and all the way it was. Read a few posts, man I was way funnier back then, dont know what happened along the way... oh wait, I know... life happened and I lost all my hair (well not all but its practically no reason to keep what I have left you see...) besides, I have a beard now, or as I like to say, my hair has migrated south.

So yeah for purely no other reason other than the fact that I dont want to do anything productive, I am writing/typing this post... although that seems counter-productive to not being productive (errrr... I think). So this is the umpteenth time (is that even a number) that I am telling myself I will try to update the blog a bit more. I have just given it a jazzy snazzy new theme (i.e. selected one from the various available... makes me feel all techy inside) and am ready to hopefully come up with a few more ideas for blogs....

Straw poll for you guys :  if I blog like I did when I was in my early 20s... Will it make me feel like I am in my early 20s? Answers on a postcard (if you have my address, I am worried) or on £50 notes (prefer the later although a card with £50 inside will not be unwelcome).

Till the next time I can be bothered :)


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