Proper Post

For the past 2-3 weeks, the only thing I have done in my spare time (at reasonable hours ofcourse) is fix computers for people who I dont see except for on Eids (and some who always call me my brothers name before they realize they're talking to the bespectacled goatie bearded shorter one). Oh well, such is life as they say. I'm just a bit tired of people calling up only when they need something. I mean thats one thing I've never been able to do, if I havent been in touch with someone, or if relations have sorta soured (you know how it goes) then I will definitely not turn around and ask them for a favour. And NO, it's not about my over bloated ego! It's cuz I would feel bad if I did. But seems like for some people it doesnt matter. Oh well, enough of being a sentimental weirdo!

I'm still being told I'm a dunce by like 30 people cuz I havent watched any of the lord of the rings movies... (side note : My nick on msn is lord of the bling... even i dont know where that came from). Watched Blade II the other day... ok well a coupla weeks ago.. Nice movie, then finally watched findin nemo... that was cool. Pixar sure know how to animate stuff... especially that little baby turtle... cute man. For some reason I've got that song from the lion king in my head right now.. you know..the one that goes in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonite. And its getting irritating now.. I wonder how it got there.. anyways.. before i start going paranoid.. I'll leave...

P.S. Me not posting even got Choco-sis to turn fobby for once... Awww how cool is that!


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