Life For Rent

I've just been armtwisted into updating. Luckily I did manage to secure the fact I'd be writing mindless dribble.. so here goes! y45Y%DR&%^&N%*FTIHKMUG/RTE$%#%#%^H*^... hmmm.. didnt quite work did it... oh well.. lets try than shall we...

Oh yeah.. I juss remembered.. I was talkin to a friend today who invited me along to this get-together he was going to. I'm like yeah i'm down with that.. whass the occassion? He's like oh some of these people from a forum of some sorts are getting together.. You should come along too.. I'm like errr.. I dont konw.. and I definitely dont think so.. (here's the topper) He's like come along man.. there's gonna be like 9 girls and 5 guys there... I'm like and that makes a difference how??? (to anyone wondering: I dont swing the other way... but I dont juss run after girls... anymore :-p ). And he was like.. man girls man.. come on.. I'm like oh yeah.. images of a supermodel coming to meet u will be dashed when u see the overweight (not that overweight people are bad) ugly (wait cant say that can I?) and a hairstyle which looks like a bird's nest come up, you're hopes are all but bulldozed over (not unless the overweight person trips and sorta falls on them). Hmmm.. cant really say overweight can i? Wouldnt be politically correct...

Which brings me to another subject... why is this world so damn PC?? where did this politically correct culture come from??? I mean think about it, politicians are just as corrupt as they always have been.. waiters will always want that extra somethign to get u the best table in the restaurant and my granny will always still give me 5 bux for going to the market with her (ok so I made the last one up). But seriously, how's a person to know whass right and whass not when even the slightest remark can be taken in a million and one wrong ways... Now the irony is the fact that people will think about it in the million and one wrong ways.... not the correct way.... (i know i'm going off topic here but bear with me people i'm on a roll.. hopefully this will end somewhere). Whass wrong with calling a fat person fat.. No, they're horizontally elongated.... they're not short, they're vertically challenged... they're not ugly, they're physically unstable... I'm not a flippin brown pakistani... I'm a mahogany veneer toned asian person!!!

Throw me back in the old ages and call me a fob any day!


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