9 to 5

Man people in blogistan really are pushy arent they? I mean come on, cant a guy ignore his blog in peace anymore?? tsk tsk.. whats this world coming to... Oh well.. since I am here I mite as well make the effort eh?

I watched the mummy returns the other day. Pretty cool movie. I still say brendan fraser is one of the most underrated actors around. I mean come on the guy and pull off gags like no other.. And ofcourse his guest appearances in scrubs had me in fits always.

Anyways (yup this is the part where I go ballistic on the movie). For anyone who's seen either of the movies, they will know that the arab guy is the coolest portrayal of an arab dude in ages. And ofcourse the strong silent type thing going on is soo awesome (as opposed to the usual 'death to all infidels' portrayal u usually see in movies). And its cool he actually speaks arabic in between too (if only one sentence at a time). Like when they're facing the evil dust made army of tall weirdos, the guy (Ardeth i think he was called) yells out "Allahu Ma'ana"... translated as "Allah is with us" but in the subtitles..it comes up as "God is with us". I mean come on.. lets get the subtitles right people! If i ever make a movie (which i wont) i'll get the subtitles right atleast!

Another cool thing (yes i know i'm easily amused) is when they're facing the even bigger evil dust made army of tall weirdos (i'm sure the director had that name in mind for the army but didnt use it for the sake of convenience), he looks at his army and goes "hat'tal maut".. and I was like yeah dude, you go get 'em. Oh that means "till death" in Arabic...I was like hell yeah! Ok so I find the little things amusing...

One thing I did notice, is in the beginnin at Brendan's house, when the sorta head henchman type bad dude is, as per the script, scaring brendan's movie wife and son, Ardeth walks in stage left. The sorta head henchman type bad dude looks at him and goes... Ardeth Bey... Now Bey can either be his surname.. (which i doubt) ... or otherwise it was used to address the dude as Mr. Ardeth... Bey is a Turkish word which means Mister. But that being the case... the turkish would mess with his arab persona... ok ok i'm picky.. sue me!

Anyways, you guys can wake up now... and if you're still bored.. have a look here... and then go on to the next pics...


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