Hey dudes and Hijabis and everyone else in between...:) How you all been doing.. yeah sorry i aint been around... Coupla things been going on at home and then Ammi wasnt feeling too well so just didnt have any time cuz i was like runnin' around the house doing all the cookin' and cleanin'.... Dad offered to cook.. but thing is.. when dad offers to cook.. it's like..

Dad : Usman bayta can u chop the onions..
Ozzy in my head : Juss say no u wuss!
Me : comin' dad....
Dad : and can u pour some oil in the pan..
Me : No probs dad
Dad : And juss pull out bla bla bla spices and put 'em on the counter ok
Me : Done it dad!
Dad : and cut up the parsley and tomatoes too while ur at it...
Me : Errm.. Dad, i've started on the meat now.. so umm.. i mite as well finish it.. u juss relax :)

So, yeah i do all the cookin' n stuff... I luv me ammi and like when she's down, juss cant bear to see her like that.. And since the house is soo Ammi-fied, the whole house (me, bro and dad) juss go bonkers when Ammi's not feelin' good.. Ammi goes i should fake illness more often.. So yes thats the reason I wasnt around... even though i did log on to the net and get up to see whass going on with my bloggy... juss wasnt in the mood to post.. so apologies there...

Yaz.. I've heard Hindku and it's really cool.. granted didnt get most of it when i heard it but like it anyway... SaharoooKiddo u gonna buy me outta house n home yo... whachu need a pogostick for.. ermmm.. wha happened to teh bike i bought u??? Why do u think Yaz is payin' ur credit card bills.. go ask her fer it!! Shady Aap kay baray Mad Punjabi skillz rehtay.. It's cool to see so many different languages spoken on my blog, English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hydi, Sahari... it's soo cool... SuzzyWuuzy dont believe a word that Shady tells u.. it's always the truth!!! RaeesaI wonder how u found out i wuz going to the BR island for the weekend.. *note to self* must cover up those Choc chip cookie dough trails better!! SanaI'm juss learnin' that nursery rhyme now.. my teacher sez when i get older she's gonna teach me more cool stuff like that! Fuzzy Wuzzy how's Moeez dooin??? Arshe ji If silence were golden.. (which it is) but if i were to follow it.. my blog would be empty... :)

I did raid my friend's fridge.. but only after he came back.. had some toast with that chocolate spread thingy... man everytime i go to his place he orders me around to make the teas and stuff.. i thougth it was the other way around.. hmmm guess i must be wrong..

Man it's been a long day today and i'm tired.. cant blog.. any volunteers to do the bloggin' for me??? Actaully... Here's an idea.. you guyz try to guess my favourite icecream outlet and my favourite flavour... and then outta all the people who get it right... One person (pulled at random outta a hat) will get the chance to guest update on me blog... how's dat?? go on people... get brainstormin!!! :)


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