Assalaam Alaikum all...

Sorry i aint been around again.. I know i'm being a bit slow on the postin'.. (not that I think the 2 people who actually come on here must've really noticed) but still, apologies to all... Hmmm.. lets see.. oh yeah... cool thing happenned yesterday... Remember how i said i got a cheque from the tax office for overpaid taxes being returned... well, went to the bank yesterday morning to get it deposited... Now it was early morning when walked into the bank half asleep, paid my CC bill and then handed the the cheque over to the woman behind the counter... She looks at me like I juss landed from Mars or something and goes, "could you hand me one of those pay-in slips from behind you so i can fill it out and deposit this cheque in your account... " (ok ok.. she wasnt rude at all, she smiled and asked very very politely) Obviously she noticed i was spazzed out from lack of sleep so she was all nice and actually offered me a cup of coffee... I declined, signed the stuff i needed to and split... Next i went to the Barber shop.. and my barber goes.. Usman you're in early.. you never walk in this time.. something wrong.. I was like nahh.. juss wanted to get some stuff sorted at the bank before Juma.. He goes oh bankk??? so we're getti'n the whole schkaboodle today eh.. I was like hold ur horses dude (why do we use that phrase when probably 1% of the world's population actually own horses!??)... Then he looks me over top to bottom and goes.. 'dude. whass with the get up??' (so he didnt use the word dude).. i'm like whaaa??? he goes u got some sorta ghetto immigrant Albanian rapper kinda thing going on... (now there's a characterisation i've never heard before)... oh and in between conversation he goes to me.. hold old are you... i'm like guess... he sez 28.. I juss got up from the chair and said dude u aint gettin' no money for the haircut today!!! (He juss added on 22 years to my age man.. aint no joke!!!)

Anyways... on another note... (mad topic transition skillz i have dont i??) I've put up some views of mine here... Have a look and lemme know.. I'll b updatin' soon cuz i've got a coupla other things i wanna put on but juss havent had the time to do so right now...


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