Random rants today.. First off I'm thinking I should add a few links to ma blog.. i mean it does look awfully dull.. I mean the blogs i visit regular and stuff.. the one's i've liked and all.. well, when i'm not being lazee i probably will.. Then I have to get my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages old website back up too... think MAYBE (mega word being maybe) i'll even get myself a domain and set up a nice decent site..

Hmm... wat else... oh yeah.. a friend of mine suggested i should write a cook book or something.. :-) before u ask.. he came around from the states about 6 months ago and mom made some chicken curry he really really liked... So he asked for the recipe and i sent it to him written ofcourse in my own unique isshhhtyle (as a desi would say it.. not that i'm not a desi.. but anyways...) here are his exact words "dude, you should write a cookbook, i love your 'articulate-ness' its really hip!" ....

Truth be told, i do love cooking... and get a lotta flack for it from people.. (including the "u should find a working woman bla bla bla.. ur such a great homemaker!") But its true.i do like cooking.. its fun.. and when u do a good job, it gives u a great sense of satisfaction.. sometimes I watch cookin' shows too.. so i can get new ideas and all.. bloggin'... cookery??? what next??? stay tuned..... ;-)


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